LETTERS to IRV     "The way to heaven"

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Dec/12/2017 05.04 p.m.

 Hello. I was out for shopping and for a business meeting today  and then as soon as I arrived at home I wiped the items that Ihave bought and put some of them in the fridge and the others in my bedroom. I like shopping but I have been buying only the things that I really have needed for about a decade. I prefer to Shop when İ need to buy something. I dont' like wandering at the malls! No! Never! İnstead of that, I have learnt three languages and have made a single on Jazz music and have made fifteen tapestry works and I have worked for the Charities and sometimes worked for the street animals. I feel so much satisfied with the support that have given to all others in whole my life! I do like helping people in any way! It is getting darker here and I am in the living room. And good morning to you! I hope you will Enjoy your day! Happy Hanukkah with your great family! I hope the lights will be on for you and for your great family forever! Bye till the next letter.