LETTERS to IRV     "The way to heaven"

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August/06/2019 06.58a.m.

~~August was one of my favourite months because I gave birth to my Princess in August but now I would like to skip it~~I actually used to love August so much because it also used to give me the lovely news of lovely September. The month I used to love a lot but now I would ike to run away from it~~ Because it took my Princess from me nine years ago~~

~~So~I am looking forward to reaching and touching lovely October as soon as possible and feel the miracles and lovely Fall which always has treated me~~ I hope I will lose myself in the miracles and in between the Fallen Leavess again, in October ~~I do hope so~~

~~Thank God I could save nice smelling days in June and in July to welcome the darker days with all my heart and with less panic~~I have been a very lucky woman and mother and person because I always could use the months and the seasons with the great time~~

~~Well~if we didnt' have pain then we would not touch the feeling of happiness~~they both are lovely feelings~~the feelings of the real life ~~this is why~~I do cry, I smile, I love, I feel , get scared with all my soul and with no hesitation~~And I dont' get afraid of Pains any more~~no more~~because what is to be will be~~so
