~~~Today, it has been snowing since the morning and it also has been a sunny but cold day~~I still enjoy December but my soul~~ I left my soul in Arafat~~my soul had been electroschocked in that mysterious aura~~I dont' know why~~ but I remember that I couldnt' hear the words which the driver was telling me about that over natural location after I took the mysterious air into my body and soul, outside of the car~~Then I really half-remember on the way to the Airport~~I could hardly see the camels and that was all~~I didnt' feel anything till I came back to my home~~and I have just started to move properly~~because the energy or synergy transference from Arafat to my body and soul can not be explainable~~nooo~~and noo~~yes~~nooo~~I hope God will accept all my worship that I did in that unique location~~
~~~İn Makkah, around Kaaba and too many steps between Safa and Marwa~~it was like a dream although it was quite hard~~I did worship there with all my cells~~
~~~Only my feelings and my soul could feel it~~ As if I touched or saw Heaven from that location and this is why I need time to meet my soul again~~I do need serious time~~
~~~I went to the church to join the Midnight Mass on the Christmas Eve~~that church is at the college that my wonderful Princess used to educate at~~I burnt candles for my girls and for the people I love and wished very best for them~~ and yesterday was a very nice Christmas Day~~and today is the boxing day and I would like to feel these religious events with all my heart~~because I do visit Heaven while I worship~~it doesnt' matter the locations and the buildings and the places~~My great soul-father~~Merry Christmas to you all~~