LETTERS to IRV     "The way to heaven"

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October/19/2018 9.10am

~~~Life is just a wonderful dreamy street ~~and it is not available for forcing it~~I surely pull or push it but never prefer forcing it~~it cant' tolerate forcing~~and ıt needs only me and itself  then the others~~if the street gets too crowded then all gets stuck ~~that is why I keep that street quite empty~~with a few people~~ıt surely sometimes gets over crowded for a while but I empty it as soon as all is finished~~

~~~I used to force my ife too much~~but after I have reached the feeling`more than euphoria' then I stopped forcing it~~I have reached this unique level by studying and working on 'mindfulness' and 'awareness' and 'nowness'~~and I have searched more clues and secret-keys for the secret-doors and the golden-gates of this unique life which can take me to Heaven~~heaven here and heaven there~~~

~~~Well.....it took a lot of time to accept the life and my life as it is~~what I can see on the photo in that pinky frame is; the photo is a bit unsharp and cloudy but if I  look at that photo very carefully,then I can see all the micro details which belong to my life and which belong to life itself~~

~~~As a great result; I accept that I have done quite good although I have been full of black squares and mistakes~~I do thank myself very much for those mistakes because they have made the photo more mystique and more realistic~~I always will keep that photo with me~~till the very end~~and I do love and respect and accept the place , the point, the level where I am noww~~and I should say it is more than euphoria and there are a lot more feelings and thoughts but namely; no words have been created for all I am having right noww~~~~~~

Stay in peace,
