LETTERS to IRV     "The way to heaven"

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May/25/2018 08.20p.m.

 Mistakes are the best doctrines of the life. I do believe in mistakes so much. And I  surely do make mistakes. I have done and still do. Because mistakes are to be done and fortunately, my nature has been very close to any kind of mistakes. And  they always have pushed me to reach the corrects..

 Last week, I once more believed that there is only 'myself' with my mistakes. But no one else. The mistakes are to be done. Well.., my mistakes belong only to me. And I have been the one who has been responsible of them. And I do respect all my mistakes. I sometimes do regret but regretting also is one of the best doctrines of the life...

I was the only one who came face to face with the mistakes that were done by me. And I was the only one who could turn those mistakes to their correctsss..... And I believe that I have done so... I never get afraid of the mistakes, though..! Neverrr....!...

 Sorry 'my mistakes'..!! Please forgive me..!! :))
