LETTERS to IRV     "The way to heaven"

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January/24/2021 8.14p.m.


 ~~This January, I feel that all my feelings and thoughts have been replaced once more again stronger and more sturdy into my existence and then I feel that my personality totally has been transformed and has been transfered to another frequency~~I was not prepared for this kind of transformation but the unprecedented expriences that I have had for the past year; have forced my limits and me to jump to another higher one, because the frequency  that I have reached is not sufficient to catch the modern harmony with the new life, with the higher contemporary consciousness that I need to adopt with~~

~~Life seems different to me this month and the reality of the life hit my perspective of  life so much immensely~~I believe that I need to produce  more fundamental projects to stay alive and to be more productive in a better way~~Because I can witness that my new life needs better cautions and better actions to move better and to go more forward in terms of being more beneficial to myself and to all the others~~because life needs me to act to get closer to the new horizon which is full of Universal lights~~

~~Although this strong transformation, I do still have the same taste of  life but I also a bit more beautiful smelling of my new life~~it smells cleaner and safer and more protective than it was before~~

~~Wonderful  İrv~~Take care~~and stay safe and healthy~~
