~~~There was sun while I was leaving that wonderful frozen~lake with the pine trees around it and the Winter birds were whistling so beautifully~~the way from that wonderful lake village to the high-way was dreamy beautiful~The pine trees which most of them covered by the snow were really the gifts of the Nature and the village homes on the way seemed to be so much cosy and peaceful~as the smoke was coming out of the chimneys of those little village homes, then I could understand that stoves were on and as if I was sharing the same peace with the village people in their peaceful homes~ I am not a village woman but I know the magic village life~When I was alittle girl I sometimes used to be in village life and I sometimes do miss it in this caotic metropolitan life~~
~~~Being in a village life for a while has made me really so much peaceful and secured and happy and free~~I once more proved to myself that I strongly belong to the Natue and do reach the peak of cosmic energy in the natural Nature~~so very much~~what a great and magic life this issss~~~