LETTERS to IRV     "The way to heaven"

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September/01/2018 7.12 am

~~~The odor of the Fall and the sound of it have been impressing me so much~~~ The mild winds have started here, for a few days and some leaves of some trees have started  to fall on to the green grass and I also fınd some, at my mysterious balcony~~

~~~The sound of the Nature  has started to get deeper  and stronger  than ıt was in Summer. And my sythem needs different food and different people  and different hobbies. The rythym of the Fall really makes me feel so much deep  and also feel  relaxed  and get more  productive. I wanna write and write and feel and write again and sing and again sing~~~The rythym goes like this for me, in Falls~~ I dont' accept that it is the season of sorrow although my Princess but it is a quite strong season which makes all the Nature upside down~~with its' rainy and stormy days and thunders and it picks almost all the leaves from the trees. As if  it prepares the Nature for the strongest and sometimes wild Winter~~~

 ~~~And how wonderful it is that I can join the magic rythym of this mersmerizing season~~ And I also can transfer all to you~~ To be honest, I would love to jump sad  Septembers after my Princess~~~

 But you all please have a great September~~~~
