~~~I have been so much happy to return to the great Springs' lovely gifts like sourcherry and plum trees with lovely white blossoms and cherry trees and Judas trees with sweet pink and dark pink blossoms and miracle wistarias~~wistarias just have started to blossom~~and the lavender~blue or violet colours of them make me feel so much cheerful and happy~~
~~~I do like walking and driving my car on the streets and I like going to the lovely parks and the garden of my heaven home always smiles at me while I look out of the window~~I always get so much impressed by the very well-cared grass of our garden that shines beautifully under the Spring Sun and the little daisies in between the green grass look so much smart and soft with their colours; white and yellow~~
~~~And I can hear the bunting birds more and nigtingales sometimes do whistle so much beautifully by their musical voices~~
~~~And all after this I do thank God and the Nature that motivate me this much to be connected with this flawlessly created Universe and my life which has been given me as a very precious gift~~~