Honesty has been the diamond crown of my great life. Well....! To me, honesty comes on the first place of my life rules. I always have tried to be honest and and have won almost all the games of my life with honesty and dignity.
I sometimes tell white or pink lies to save the day. but never prefer to have dark purple lies in my great life.
Honesty, always has been at the center of my life. And I really have lived so much relaxed and peaceful alhough lots of black stories and black traps. I believe that honesty and dignity always have saved my life and have made my living fine.
So...this is why I never can leave honesty and dignity to play a qualified role in this great life. To be honest; I always have been honest even to myself.. I love to respect the people and would love to be a respectable lady. This is the way I feel comfortable. I cant' be a simple lady. I feel so sorry. I was brought up on this way.
I do wish all of us honest and white days full of dignity and love....