~~~As difficult but peaceful October has been going on with its' mysterious energy I have been trying to get ready for the court of my life~~ and I have to work hard for it to defend my Princess who had left us eight years ago, on a Fall day~~ in a room secretly~~her final steps here really were secret~~ we have been trying to reach her very final steps but we couldnt' yet~~~
~~~Well~~life is something priceless but it sometimes may bring us white or black surprises~~eight years ago, on a sunny Sunday afternoon, ıt had brought me the blackest icy surprise of my life and from then untill now, I really have seriously struggled to stay up and alive~~ but I believe that I have done it~~because I have worked with a few priceless persons; my great fortunes and I have discovered that life is something irreplaceable and is an unique gift and then I have decided that it is worth to live it till the very end with its' all micro details~~and ıt is worth to struggle and hold each second so much tightly~~ and I have done and do so~~noooo~~ I never can leave this great life although it brought me that blackest surprise. I do accept my life as it is~~
~~~And I will defend my Princess forever, till the very end because I have been the fan of her each step here~~she deserves the best and more and I did and will do my best for her forever~~
~~~I wish you all to own your lives more~~
With my respects,