LETTERS to IRV     "The way to heaven"

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october/13/2018 7.26 pm

~~~Money talks~~ have you ever heard that it talks?!? It has been talking since the invention of itself~~I know that the king Alyattes of Lydians had invented the first coins but I really have no  idea about  who very first invented the money~~and I surely can  hear the voice of it~~

~~~Once my father had told me that money is his mother and his father and his everything~~he maybe was right then~~first money talks then we do~~I have never forgotten his words up to now~~Well~~money talks in my life,too~~I sometimes buy people not to feel lonely~~but today I have decided not to buy people but only help them as much as I  can, by giving them some money~~well..almost each person has a price in my life~~and I used to have a great deal of price but I have given it up~~recently~~my father used to buy me~~but not anymore~~because I would like to prefer to have my real own life, my own real freedom~~he has been so much surprised on that~~ :))

~~~I have decided to use money for my basic needs~~I buy only what I need~~I dont' shop for fun or I dont' spend lots of times in the shops~~I  prefer to produce positives  for me and for  the others~~I believe that I cant' do without money and  surely know that ıt talks and buys almost everything and almost everyone~~but it is not my mother and my father and my everything~~noo... it is nottt~~

~~~My mother and father is the great nature but I know and feel that money talks~~but sometimes it can not~~there are times that ıt cant' talk~~fortunately~~luckily~~I really have loved those unique times~~I honestly have~~they are the golden gates of this endlessly great  life~~but I do save money~~ I do live for the present  moment and I save money for the future~~ohhh~~~Thank God I am not a penny pincher but I am thrifty~~~~
