I never have lost my hopes for my life. And one day a great and inexpresible person came into my life and has made my living more than fine. I have reached myself and have touched the real and great life of mine. My soul has blossomed and then I have started to sing beautiful jazz songs.. Here I am...writting from my soul and from my mind, with all my heart..
One day fortune may bring us someone or something and he or she or it makes our lives like heaven. It has happened to me,so..I have had my real own life. Then I have reached my talents; like singing..like writting....!! Then some others came into my life and as if I have flown to the Sky with their priceless energies and then I have changed the people around me. And I now keep less people around me. I do keep who need and love and respect me and whom I need and love and respect..
And I dont' send negative thoughts to the others but I do stay away from them. And I feel much more relaxed and peaceful. I assume myself so much lucky because of my self-creation. Because I like giving positives in any way, to the people around me..It doesnt' matter if they are rich or poor or beautiful or ugly or educated or uneducated...!!..
I do believe that there are good people in between the people!! Bad people!?!? I believe that they are not bad but not good.. And I hope they all will educate themselves and then our lives will shine more and more.. If we feel happy and peaceful then life gets much easier and more simple. I do prefer to have happiness and peace feelings in my soul and beautiful thoughts on my mind..!!..Always...!!...
Love and respects to you all,