LETTERS to IRV     "The way to heaven"

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July/01/ 2018 4.25 p.m.

 I would like to dedicate this page to my soulmate, to my confidant. The person who has made me feel better and has made me reach high-higher awreness and has taught me how a lady could be kind and graceful. He has been a great  torch to me in my darkness so that I have walked through the black dark tunnels with him in the front as a torch and then we have come to a place  like heaven,  together... and he was with me while I was about to fall down the cliffs but I didnt' fall down wih his shadow beside and behind me...And then I have reached a place which is not explainable.. and I still have been in that place called ' my own life'...!!

 I thank him so much because of the very important doctrines he has given me. I have learnt how a lady could respect the others around her, even if to her daughter. I have learnt a lot about life with him. I have witnessed the greatest enlightment with him. I have become much more myself with him. And then I have consolidated the ties with almost all the people around me. I have slowed down and have touched the peak of the universal and divine peace... and have come closer to high-higher awareness. I have touched the feeling of euphoria of this unique life and have deleted almost all the negatives in my soul, on my mind and in my body and have made my life so much clean which makes me feel the  peak taste of life.....!!

I do give the cosmic energy to the others who need me and mostly heal them. I really dont' know how to thank him but  do thank him so very much. I do respect and love him with all my heart. And I do pray for him to be well and happy and more productive for all of us...!!

Thank you great person!! God bless you!! I hope you always will feel as if you live in tulip and rose gardens forever.. beautiful heart and smart mind and diamond soul..!! Be happy and peaceful foreverr... I hope you will heal a lot more people with your smiling-eyes, with your pure and smiling-energy! Miracle aura! Yess.. all is trueee....

Mil gracias por todo!! Sii!! Ahora, yo entiendo todo mejor y mejor! Por que he trabajado mucho por casi diez anos pero he estudiado mas y mas duro por tres anos, con tigo. Sabes que yo puedo decir muchos y muchos sobre de la vida maravillosa!! Sii! La vida es maravillosa!! Y sea feliz y e pacifico!! Y disfruta la vida! Hasta pronto, en la otra pagina!!

Con muchos respetos,
