
26.04.2014 - 18:58:28
Wonderful girl, It has been fortythree months sınce you have gone away! And non-exıstence of your physıcal appearence has been paralysıng my thoghts, my hopes And then fınally, my spırıt and body. So, I honestly cant' live properly although Evın ıs here, just beside me and The life that has been given to me as a gift, has been stıll beautıful. The energies that push me to the center of The life, still come from you and your exceptıonal energies. I thank God cause sent me a very special Daughter like U. I wıtnessed The paradise here, with U. As if U were sent to me just to show the most positive part of the living. U guided me to dıscover the best of everything about living. Then U left us. I can understand better now why you were in a great hurry!!! I miss U too much. My thoughts are always with U. Yesterday was my fiftythird Birthday but I couldnt' feel it at all. Rest In Peace! xxxxxx Mumm